The 4-Step Game Plan Our Tech Manager Clients Use to Keep Their Jobs and Even Get 20%, 30%, and 50% Pay Raises
(while upping their free time by at least 10 hours/week!)
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You’re invited to read my new, limited-time free training, where you’ll learn:
Our proven, step-by-step playboook to levelling up your paychecks as a tech manager — whether you’re a VP of engineering, tech lead, IT director, or developer
How to avoid spending 50+ hours/week working — but still accomplish those big, meaningful wins (AKA the reasons you love your work)
The key to earning at LEAST $200,000/year as a tech manager — and how to automate, delegate, and optimize your team and processes
The non-nonsense way to position yourself for promotions and raises — because you deserve them, but ASKING can feel weird or hard
The secret to feel-good self-promotion at work — so you get recognized for your successes, and set yourself up for excellent performance reviews
And... most importantly, we’ll go over how to lead from a place of 100% integrity. I want you to feel GOOD about earning the hefty paychecks that reflect your real contributions.
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